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    05.02.2018 — 4 min read

    Are your online services designed for your customers - or for you? Double your online business by simplifying!

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    Many web services are made in the image of their designers, although the customer should be at the center. Users are impatient to learn how to use web services as developers have designed and intended them to be used. Too often we only learn to use services through trial and error.

    However, the more users encounter errors, the more certain it is they will stop using the service. I have heard that over 50 per cent of online users leave a site or visit a competitor’s because of problems they experience.

    So, it is important to focus on streamlining, simplifying and improving your online service to meet the needs of your potential customers. This will directly impact on the growth of your digital business.

    Customers reward user-friendly web services

    It is impossible to over emphasize the importance of customer experience in gauging the value created by e-services. However, I often despair when I try various online services only to find they have been designed more to complicate usability than to simplify it.

    I have often thought about what is so challenging when it comes to creating personalized, fast and easy-to-use web services. The impact on business can be clearly demonstrated: users reward a good service by spending time using it, making bigger purchases, recommending it and becoming loyal customers.

    Conversely, it is also important to remember that it is not enough to have a technically functional site: a service must also stand out from the competition and be memorable. We live in an era of continuous e-services development.

    AI analyses every click of every session

    To provide the best customer experience, we need information about users’ habits and their needs when using the service – and a lot of it.

    It is not enough to analyze a service’s average number of completed operations, such as checked-out shopping baskets. Comprehensive customer experience development requires analysis of each click of every customer’s session from login and browsing content through to all the functions used. Artificial intelligence is required to analyze this vast amount of data so that the eventual results are not based on assumptions, but on hard facts about users’ authentic behaviors.

    Above all, users want speed and ease from online services. Simplicity is beauty and it makes users feel good. It also makes money for the company. So, let’s remember that the user – or customer – is always right, including when it comes to e-services development.

    Solteq’s new Deep Vision service reveals why website visitors are not drawn to essential functions. Read more about how we can help you identify the pain points in your online business and achieve the targeted results by using the foremost practices in data mining and artificial intelligence.

    Artificial Intelligence, Digital commerce, AI, Analytics, Digital marketing