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    Proposal of election of the members of the board of directors

    Shareholders representing a total of more than 50% of all the shares and votes in the Company propose to the General Meeting March 17, 2014 that seven members to be elected to the Company´s Board of Directors and the current members of the Board, Ali U. Saadetdin, Seppo Aalto, Markku Pietilä, Matti Roininen, Sirpa Sara-aho and Jukka Sonninen to be re-elected.

    Mr. Olli Välimäki, whose strong practical experience and wide range of know-how in corporate financing support the execution of Solteq’s strategy, is proposed as the new Board member. Mr. Välimäki is currently acting as a doctoral researcher at the University of Vaasa. The field of study for Mr. Välimäki is covenants and their role in debt based corporate financing. He has earlier worked long period for Nordea Bank and its predecessors as well as for Danske Bank. Mr. Välimäki is born in 1962 and he is Licentiate in Economic Sciences. The proposed new board member has given his consent to the election.




    For further information, please contact:


    CEO Repe Harmanen

    Tel. +358 400 467 717



    CFO Antti Kärkkäinen

    Tel +358 40 8444 393,





    NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

    Key Media
