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    Solteq Plc’s Board of Directors’ decision concerning the distribution of equity

    Solteq’s Board of Directors has in its today’s meeting decided to distribute equity from the distributable equity fund. The distribution of equity is based on the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on 14.3.2012 and it is made at a rate of 0,03 Euros per share. The date of record of the distribution is 1.10.2012 and the payment date is 8.10.2012.

    The authorization the Annual General Meeting granted to the Board of Directors was dated to the moment when the company was negotiating on a significant corporate arrangement and financing of that arrangement. The execution of the corporate arrangement and starting of the common operation during the past spring and summer have proceeded in the way that the Board of Directors sees the distribution of the equity to be possible considering the further implementation of the strategy as planned.


    Board of Directors

    For further information please contact:

    Ali U. Saadetdin, Chairman of the Board
    Tel +358 20 1444 201 or +358 40 8444 201

    Repe Harmanen, CEO
    Tel +358 400 467717



    NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
    Key media
