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    The Board of Directors of Solteq Plc has decided to change the proposal for the distribution of dividend

    Solteq Plc, Inside Information, April 29, 2020 at 12.45 pm

    Due to the uncertainties caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors of Solteq Plc has decided to cancel previous proposal for the distribution of dividend.

    The Board of Directors shall propose to the Annual General Meeting, which shall be convened at the later date, that there will be no distribution of dividend from financial year 2019.

    Previously the Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 1, 2020 and cancelled on March 23, 2020 that the Board of Directors would be authorized to decide, at its’ discretion, on the distribution of dividend of maximum total amount of 965,326.35 euros. Unless the Board of Directors would have decided otherwise, a dividend of a maximum amount of 0.05 euros per share would have been paid to the shareholders on a date decided by the Board of Directors.



    NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
    Key Media

    Further information:

    Olli Väätäinen, CEO
    tel +358 50 5578 111

    Solteq in brief:

    Solteq is a Nordic provider of IT services and software solutions specializing
    in the digitalization of business and industry-specific software. The key
    sectors in which the company has long term experience include retail, industry,
    energy and services. The company operates in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland and the UK and employs 600 professionals.