Atea can now automatically identify online customer behaviour based on real-time data

Best possible customer experience
Atea, the market leader in IT infrastructure for businesses and public-sector organisations in Europe’s Nordic and Baltic regions, wanted to give the best possible online customer experience across countries and web domains. Furthermore, Atea wished to increase the online conversion and see how the websites were performing e.g. when launching new features. Atea used traditional analytics as Google Analytics to get statistics, but needed a more comprehensive understanding of online customer behavior.
Analysing the search function
Atea knew from customer feedback, that many users could not find what they were searching for in the webshop. With Deep Vision delivered by Solteq, Atea was able to quantify the use of the search functions, showing that in average 87% of users in the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish webshop relied mainly on search rather than the menu structure to find the information they were looking for. Furthermore, Deep Vision identified that in one of the Nordic web domains, customers clicked the Search function over 20.000 times in just one week – showing clearly the importance of the search function.
In most cases, a failed search led to another search. This caused a poor online customer experience. The difficulties in the search function also affected SEO in a negative way. By improving the search, Atea not only was able to give a better customer experience, but also improved Bot Indexing and increased rankings in Google. Together with data from customer interviews, the findings generated by Deep Vision supported the decision on replacing Atea’s search engine.
Analysing the web performance
Atea used the Deep Vision Surveillance module to measure, how Atea’s online store was performing. Even though the response time on the different Nordic domains was good, there were some peaks in the response time, that needed to be investigated. By analysing the online performance on multiple processes in the webshops, Deep Vision identified that the web performance was slower on some pages within some specific time slots. Mainly the performance issues impacted customers on product pages and checkout, which in some cases led to a 3-8 second delay in page rendering time. Since Deep Vision identified that a lower page performance impacted the revenue negative, Atea is now focusing on optimising the web performance, and thereby improving the online customer experience.
Analysing the checkout flow
Solteq performed a Deep Vision analysis across all Atea’s domains and identified an error in the checkout. As checkout is a mature step in the order flow, it had a direct impact on the revenue and the conversion rates. The online form used for filling Shipping/Billing information contains mandatory information, which Atea’s customers must fill in before moving forward to checkout. With the help of Deep Vision, a total of 383 sessions in which the users did not understand what mandatory fields they had to fill out, were identified within 1 week. Even though 383 session per week is a small amount of sessions, it had a big impact on the online revenue, since customers was unable to buy. This caused frustration among the customers who had to review the information entered and repeat the second step during checkout. As a conclusion, Deep Vision proved that the faults in the check out flow heavily affected the revenue – Atea was losing around 0,5 Meur every month as a result of this issue. Now Atea has modified the checkout mandatory field in the check out flow, which have led to a more user-friendly buying process and thereby a better online customer experience.
With Solteq's Deep Vision we can now understand the full customer experience in the online environment. This enables us to ensure that we can invest in ensuring the best possible online experience. We use Deep Vision as a reporting tool to get accurate data on online customer behavior and make data-driven decisions to develop our webshops.
Søren Bartels, Program Director, Atea
Benefits gained with Deep Vision
- Automatical identification of online customer behavior.
- Able to make data-driven decisions to develop our webshops.
- A more user-friendly online customer experience.
- Correction of technical errors based on proof from real customer data.
- Faster website performance.
- Improved rankings in Google.

Your expert
Ulla Kauppila
Sales Director, Commerce & Data