As the Energy Business Controller of Keravan Energia, Juha Kallio has several areas of responsibility. In the role of an electricity trade expert, he participates in electricity trade and its related products and services, is responsible for all other electricity products and services, and acts as a support for several different departments, for instance, sourcing and sales. “The work is interesting, and there are no two similar days,” Kallio tells about his work. Despite the variation in the content of working days, similar features can be found in them - one of them is Solteq Electricity Trade.

“I use Solteq Electricity Trade every day, it’s a familiar solution to me,” Kallio states. “We use Solteq Electricity Trade for everything. We make all offers, contracts and pricing for companies and consumers with the solution. Solteq Electricity Trade calculates billing prices and exports them to our billing system. In addition, BI (business Intelligence) data is retrieved directly from the solution. Solteq Electricity Trade makes our work a lot easier. All quotations, contracts or even price fixes are just a minute's thing and it’s been taken care of. Solteq Electricity Trade assists the entire sales chain from making the initial offer to bringing the final invoicing prices to our customer information system,” Kallio tells about the use of the solutions.
“We chose Solteq Electricity Trade because it seemed good and evolving, businesslike. In addition, the solution is scalable, thus it is also suitable for the needs of a small company. Solteq Electricity Trade is a workable system. It has good integrations and is easy to use. I recommend it,” Kallio describes the purchase decision and user experiences.
As an important part of the solution and its development, Kallio sees that customers are involved in product development. Customers and Solteq discuss development needs and ideas together, for example in development workshops. “The development workshops are really great. There are all kind of new things and the system is constantly evolving. In the development workshops are found out what the customer needs are that are taken into the development process. Currently, one of the most interesting things on the table is the utilization of Datahub in quotation calculation, how to obtain automatically all the necessary information for quotation calculation from Datahub without manual work steps,” says Kallio. In Kallio's opinion, both development and other co-operation activities have gone well: “We have wanted to make the most of the solution and Solteq's team has helped us really well. Responses to development ideas always come quickly and we have got the new development tasks we wanted. Keep up the good work!”
"The solutions assists the entire sales chain from making the initial offer to bringing the final invoicing prices to our customer information system."
Juha Kallio, Energy Business Controller, Keravan Energia

Keravan Energia
Keravan Energia, owned by the City of Kerava and the Municipality of Sipoo, has been operating in the energy sector for more than 110 years. The goal of a modern energy company is to improve the well-being of its region and invest in domestic, renewable fuels in energy production. Even today, several different studies are underway in the utilization of different technologies in energy production, e.g. utilization of waste heat and geothermal energy and trade between heating networks. About 90 percent of the energy produced by Keravan Energia is made from renewable fuels. The transition to fully renewable, zero-emission energy production is scheduled for 2030.

Your expert
Jari Kokkonen
Senior Business Director, Head of Sales